How to quickly cook broccoli in an air fryer
Air fried broccoli

- 1. Two big heads of broccoli
- 2. Vegetable oil
- Prepare the broccoli by cutting away the thick stem leaving small palm sized heads
- Rinse under cold water and dry
- Pre-heat air fryer to 400F
- Toss dried broccoli in a little vegetable oil, no more than 1-2 tbsp
- Cook the brocolli for ten minutes total at 400F
- Turn the brocollli once during cooking
Can you cook broccoli in the air fryer? Yes. Should you cook broccoli in the air fryer? Double yes! I love how the air fryer can quickly cook this delicious veggie, crispy the ends of the vegetable into a wonderful caramel-sweet finish.
Preparation notes
It's critical to use dry broccoli before covering in oil. Excess water will steam the broccoli and create a softer texture, rather than deliciously-crisp we're tryhing to achieve.
I like to rinse my broccoli in a colander and then leave on the counter to drip dry, while I prep the rest of my meal. If it's still not dry when I am ready to continue, I will pat dry with some paper towels before adding the oil.
The quickest and easiest way to coat the brocolli evenly in oil is to throw the brocolli into a Tupperware container, pour over the oil, then put the lid on. Shake vigourly for 20-30 seconds and you should find the brocolli is evenly coated with minimal fuss and mess.
Finishing touches
You can eat the broccoli as is from the fryer, but it works well with a few additions. My favorite is to salt the finished product and add a little red pepper chili flake.
I am also a fan of pouring over a little home made vinaigrette; a mix of oilve oil, dijon mustard, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Meanwhile, my wifes favorite is to use the vinaigrette and then sprinkle over parmesan cheese.
You can see a few examples of that in the pictures above; here we've also served the air fried broccoli with good quality canned tuna and squash cooked with fresh basil and shallots in olive oil.
This website and all recipes are presented as a reference only. Many variables may influence your own cooking times. Read this info on using our recipes.
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