How to cook Marie Callender’s Chicken Pot Pie in an air fryer
Whatever Marie Callender’s pie you’re cooking, you’ll want to prep it first. That means following these first two steps:
- Remove the pie from exterior cardboard package
- Leaving the pie in the paper tray wrap foil around the pie crust edge
Wrapping the edges with foil prevents the thinner pastry crusts from burning. Here’s an example:

Do be aware it can be tricky getting the final cooked pie out of the air fryer; I recommend investing in some heat resistant cooking gloves if you’re going to using your fryer a lot. Check out these gloves over on Amazon for less than twenty bucks. They may manipulating items in the fryer a little more simple and safe. Please note, we get a small referral fee if you do make a purchase via that link.
Back to the pie though…Marie Callender’s pies come in a variety of sizes; how long you cook the pie will depend on the size of your pie. Here are some examples:
Marie Callender’s Chicken Pot Pie (10 ounces)
- Preheat air fryer to 350F
- Cook pot pie for 40 minutes at 350F
- During the last 5 minutes remove the foil from the exterior pastry if you like a crisper or well done finish

Marie Callender’s Large Chicken Pot Pie (15 ounces)
We’ve recently updated this one (previously we recommended 40 mins at 400F), but some users reported burning, some users reported good results. This updated recipe cooks at a lower temp for some extra time:
- Preheat air fryer to 350F
- Cook pot pie for 60 minutes at 350F
- During the last 5-10 minutes remove the foil from the exterior pastry if you like a crisper or well done finish
We use COSORI brand air fryers to make our recipes, always check your food with a good kitchen thermometer. (These are affiliate links, we get a fee from sales)
Can you cook a pot pie in an air fryer? Yes! Should you? Well, that’s a bit of a tougher question. While the air fryer certainly speeds up the cooking process compared to a regular oven, I wouldn’t say it adds anything in particular to the finished product. Of course if you don’t own an oven, or don’t want to turn it on for a single pie – the air fryer can shave a decent amount off the cooking time.
Other pot pies in the air fryer
This website and all recipes are presented as a reference only. Many variables may influence your own cooking times. Read this info on using our recipes.
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Your directions were spot on…pot pie was excellent. Thank you
Fab, thanks for letting me know that worked out for you Bonnie!
Trying to understand why the air fryer for 60 minutes on a pot pie.
When you can put it in the oven for 35 minutes.
Is there something special or specific that I am missing on the taste. #justgotaairfryerbutworkafulltimejobmomwifehelpmetounderstandthis
What pie brand and size is this for Sarah?
In truth an air fryer isn’t the *best* tool for a pot pie, but it will work. I try to write guides for anything I can, e.g. someone’s oven is broke. or they don’t want to turn it on for just a single pot pie – then these guides can work. Anything frozen and dense though – it takes a while for the air fryer to cook through. The food that shines with the air fryer is small, thinner things, preferably with oil already in, think: fries, onion rings, chicken tenders etc
The 15 ounce pot pie will never cook in 35 minutes. The 10 ounce one maybe.
During 100 degrees weather that’s why.
That’s one of my favorite reasons for using the air fryer Deb, no need to turn on the massive oven in the Summer when my AC is doing its best to cool the home!
Marie Callendar Pot pies are 60-65 in oven!
Your directions were terrible. I ended up with a burned top crust, frozen innards, and a raw dough bottom… 340 degrees for 40 minutes does the trick
Thanks no thanks
Sorry to hear that Donovan. This was for the Cosori 5.8QT air fryer. What brand and model did you use for other folks reference? They’re all a bit different, based on size/shape/performance/setup, the above recipe was perfect in mine.
Mine burned black on top and set off the smoke alarm after just 7 minutes. Wished I would have read your comment first.
Sorry to hear that GJ, what air fryer did you use? Per the article above, this recipe is for the Cosori unit, but it sounds like yours is quite different?
Did you put aluminum foil on top?
You don’t know what your
Talking about. Pot pies come out great. You probably did it wrong
You should have placed them on the MIDDLE rack
You all are judging by the air fryer you own. These directions work perfectly for me and the air fryer I own along with others in this comment section. To top it off, I didn’t need to use foil! When using an air fryer, you need to keep an eye on things until you get comfortable using it.
i just bought a B&D Air Fry Oven. This pot pie recipe says to set temp knob to 400F. Why do all the “air fry” recipes give a cooking temperture when it’s not needed? With my B&D oven the temp knob is set to the “AIRFRY” setting… get air frying results. To set it to some amount of degrees Fahrenheit would mean you baking the pot pie not air frying. Question: What’s the point of an air fryer if you’r not supposed to use the “Airfry” setting?
Also my oven says in order to toast sliced bread you select toasting, then you turn the bottom knob (toasting control I believe) “past 20 and past middle toast and then to desired setting”. But that’s very confusing because the bottom knob has no time settings (20 or other) just various toast doneness graphics. There’s a 20 in the timer setting but that’s not it because you may want 5 min or 7 min or 3 min? The other knob is for selecting degrees F or Air Fry. Question: Do you have any idea what B&D means by turning the knob “PAST 20 AND MIDDLE TOAST?”
Hi Peter. In essence an air fryer is a small convection oven. Most are small units that generate high heat in a small space then use a fan to circulate the air at speed. That convection cooking creates the crisp finish most people love with the air fryer. You can of course get full sized kitchen ovens with convection fans, but in my own experience, its the small enclosed space of the air fryer that helps intensify air flow and maximize crisp.
At the end of the day, yes, these are small ovens with a fancy name. Temperature control is definitely needed for nuance in cooking. Eg I can cook soft, hard and medium boiled eggs in my air fryer, but I cook at 250F, I expect 400F would be far too hot and cause them to crack. The closer you get to the 400F mark (or higher) the better your crisping results will be. The lower you go, slower baking.
As for the B&D unit, I am afraid I’ve no personal experience with that product. I’d give their customer support a call to clarify 🙂
You know, like, “Past 20 and Middle Toast” the band.
Anyway, I’ll be using that little phrase from now on. I’ve decided it means,
Fashionably Late.
Isn’t one of the advantages of an air fryer to cook things in less time? So why does it take 60 minutes in an air fryer when it takes 60 to 65 minutes in a conventional oven?
Hi Janine. Typically you’re correct. With items like chicken nuggets, French fries, patties – I find you can shave off real cooking time with an air fryer. Essentially smaller pieces, with lots of surface area that the circulating hot air can cook through quickly. I’ve seen products that require 20mins in an oven barely take more than 5 in the air fryer.
The pot pie is a weird thing to cook in the fryer really. Its a big, heavy, dense product that due to the size (on the big pie here) can take a while to cook through to the center. You can cook at 400F and the time will be shorter – indeed the original recipe here stated just that but users reported the increase temp burnt their pie crusts, so we reworked it to be a lower heat for a longer cook.
The recipe is included in case people really want to air fry a pie for some reason: away at college and no oven, broken oven, oven full with other food etc.
I personally want to thank you for doing the research. I love your reviews!! I made a pot pie a few times with your recommendations and it always turns out perfect. I only make one at a time for my toddler’s lunch. I find it easier than getting the oven heated up for a small pie.
Thanks again, Stuart!!!
Thanks Katie, that’s really kind of you. I started the website as a way to remember how to cook things for myself (an online recipe book as it where) – so happy to see so many people also find it useful 🙂
Dirs help to check on it about every 15 minutes, maybe it wouldn’t of burned if you had lol.
For sure Tom – the air fried pot pie really depends on a lot of factors – most largely the type of style of your air fryer. I would definitely keep an eye on things as they cook!
I own a Ninja Foodie. Used the bake option and baked for 40 min at 350. Turned out perfect and I didn’t even cover the crust!
Thanks for the feedback on the Ninja, Bob, always appreciated.
Thanks. I also have a Ninja and am currently trying to cook a 15oz Marie Callender’s pot pie. I already cooked it 390 for 40 minutes and the top is really brown enough but the veggies are not done enough. I just covered it with non stick foil and am going to see if I can get them tender this way. I only need the one cooked at a time.
@Bob R… I have a foodie too and was wondering so thank you for your comment.
@Jo… did it work to cover with foil, did the veggies soften up?
What size pot pie? 10 or 15 ounce? Thank you for the info.
Hi William, there are guides for both 10 and 15 ounce pies on the page 🙂
Awesome. I just got a 5.5qt Ninja. I put it on 360 bake for 40 mins and am waiting for it to be done rn. I thought fry might be too much so I chose bake. O read your comment and now I know I made the right choice.
Two frozen foil trimmed 10oz Marie Calendar pies baked nicely in our Ninja Speedie at 350 for 40 minutes. The top crust is perfectly browned and has some crisp. The bottom crust is browned all across. The filling is done. Our house smells really amazing! Thank you.
I also recently gained enjoyment of ninja air fryer I love it and yes you check . Put pizza in it and oh my fluffy inside crust crispy outside I’ve never had a pizza like this . And less fat .
Going to do low and slow as I do with meats for tenderizing for my pot pie . Don’t know if I’ll get back but I’ll be looking for an opportunity to for y’all
Wanted to know if I could cook Marie challenger pulled pork bowls in air fryer but it keeps bring me to pot pies
I’m afraid I don’t have any information on those, are the bowls cookable in a regular oven? Eg is the packaging oven safe?
I have an Instapot Duo.Crisp.
Big pies like Callendars take forever in any oven or air fryer. You can however microwave it to doneness which is quicker and crisp it in the air fryer. Microwaves cook from the inside out.
You can also thaw it in the fridge and then cook it on about 350 until.done. Done is 160 -170 on a meat thermometer. Watch the crust. Did I.mention you need a meat thermometer no matter what you’re cooking? You amazed how much easier and safer it is than trying to ESP what you’re cooking.
No two airfryers are alike so yelling at Stuart because your pot pie burned to a crisp is rude and futile. This is not a push button technology that works for all machines. And It’s not magic. It’s real cooking…you have to pay attention and learn. An oven is an oven an.oven.
Write down what works so you can again.
In my fryer I can cook anything at any temp I want…I just have to adjust the time.and my reasonable expectations. Slower often works better.
Use your common sense and your thermometer. This is true FOR ANY COOKING APPLIANCE.
Thanks for your help, Stuart.
Thanks Tater! The recipes here are hopefully a jumping off point, a place for people to start from when looking at cooking X or Y in their own fryer; as you say, there are so many variables, there will always be some variance. Common sense, a little thought and a thermometer go a long way.
I like your idea of microwaving the pie to most of the way before crisping in the fryer, that’s a really smart idea for shaving a lot of time off!
I have both a NuWave and Gourmia Air Fryer. For cooking the Marie Callender’s 15oz chicken pot pie I used the Gourmia. I wrapped the edges as suggested, preheated the Air Fryer to 360 and then cooked the pit pie for 45 minutes from frozen. It came out perfectly. Golden brown and crispy crust and perfectly cooked inside. Thank you for the directions.
I have an 8qt Gourmia. I love it! My pies come out perfect every time no matter which size I make. I prefer the 15 ounce pie!
I tried this method with Mrs. calendars large pot pie was absolutely wonderful the crust is the best part of the whole thing and it turned out perfect thank you for the instructions
Thanks for letting us know Debbie!
Ok so this is what I did, I am using a culinary edge air fryer. I cooked a 15 oz Marie Callender’s pot pie. First I microwaved it for 7.5 min. Directions say if you want it microwaved to cook 10 min. But I hate mushy crust. I did not put a slit in it like the directions call for either. So then I put it in the air fryer for 4 minutes. Perfect! Absolutely perfect! Crust was a nice golden brown and everything was piping hot.
That’s a very cool time-hack, I will have to try it and update our recipe with the option.
Your instructions were perfect! I tried to cover the crust edges as instructed, but the foil blew off after a couple of minutes. Lol. So I baked my pot pie without the foil, and it still turned out quite yummy. Thank you!
First time trying the pot pies in the air fryer. Hoping it comes out good.
I’ve never tried cooking a pot pie in an air fryer, but I’m definitely going to give this a try! I have the 15 oz Marie callender pot pie and an instant pot Duo with the air fryer “hat”. Whether or not it turns out the way I want it, I’m happy to see that somebody took the time to research this method so that I can have something to reference as a jumping off point. Thank you, Stuart! Love you!
Happy to help, hopefully it points you in the right direction. As you rightly allude to, all fryers vary a little bit, but they should roughly be in the same ballpark for the most part 🙂
My 1st experience w/ pot pie in airfryer //
I did several weird things/ but after @ 30
minutes // cane out piping hot in middle/ crust golden & flaky .
I did microwave a little while: to cut time// read review of max time to nuke/ which I’ll try next time.
Used Marie Callendars Best part is crust & gravy// just as I recall from decades ago
For live alone seniors/ this was worth the $99//
That’s fabulous to hear Linda, thanks for your feedback 🙂
I try to create the recipes from the viewpoint of “I only have an air fryer, can I cook this”, but in the case of pot pies, a little nudge with the microwave is definitely a good time saver 🙂
I tried the 10 oz. The side and bottom crusts were not close to cooked. The rest was perfect.
I often have issues getting the side/bottom crusts to actually cook right. Maybe take them out of the trays?
Some other commenters have mentioned part cooking using the microwave – though I wouldn’t personally recommend removing the cooking tray, the pie might collapse into a mess.
I have a small instapot I did it for 45 minutes at 360. No foil and it turned out perfect
1 hour and my pie was still cold. Had to raise the temp to 375 for 45 min. Checking occasionally. Probably won’t do this again
They’re not difficult to remove from the air fryer. (I, too, have a Cosori Max 5.8 qt.) Just use a silicone or teflon spatula, aka “turner.”
This evening I cooked a Marie Callender’s 15-oz. chicken pot pie in a Ninja AF101 4-quart fryer, using your suggested 350°F and 60 minutes cook time, set to “Air Fry” and not to “Bake.” This fryer came with an accessory wire grill with nice upright handles, so getting the pie out wasn’t a problem, but I had to leave out the crisper plate to get the pie lower in the “basket.” At 55 minutes it was perfect, golden crust all around, including under the foil and the bottom of the pie, and 175°F internal temperature.
I microwaved for 5 mins. Then covered the crust like shown above, then popped it into the air fryer at 350° for 10 mins (checked it at 5 min mark) came out great!!
Love that micro/air fryer method! Next time.
Hello! Probably very late to this wonderful post but the recipe works!
Ninja Foodi Dual Zone Airfyer (with the 2 baskets) and we attempted the 10 ounces MC Pot Pie frozen. At first we did 350F at 40 mins but it was still cold. So we put it for an extra 5 mins. So then we cooked 2 more and it came perfect:
10 ounces frozen
Cover with foil as instructed
Pre heat airfryer 400F 5 mins (just make a run)
Put pot in there: 350F at 45 mins at the BAKE setting (not airfrying)
After, uncover, bake for 5 more at 350F if you need more crispy crust (ours was perfect with just 45 mins)
Enjoy! It was perfect. I hope this helps!